Contribute To Our Mission
You Can Make A Real Impact - Donate Today!
Your Funds Will Change Many Precious Lives
Together, with your generosity, we’re protecting and saving the lives of the world’s most vulnerable people and saving our planet at the same time.
Our goal is to sustainably scale up our operations so that 10,000 families’ lives will be transformed each month with our clean cookstove technology.
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Prakti is a program of DEW Labs (Design and Education for the World, EIN: 45-5228729), a tax-exempt non-profit organization, registered in the USA.
Every Day We Do Nothing, This Is Happening…
2.6B people depend on traditional cookstoves for cooking every day.
Wood and charcoal are the only viable fuel options for the majority of people in income levels 1 and 2 because LPG, electric power, or solar energy is either too expensive or not accessible for them.
With every traditional cookstove that’s modified with Prakti Air, every day we can reduce these harmful effects on precious lives and the planet:
10 million trees are being burnt for cooking
Over 4 million tons of CO2 are released into the atmosphere
Millions of women and children are each inhaling the equivalent of 40 cigarettes from the heavy smoke of their traditional cookstoves.
Make today count. Give generously and enable Prakti to scale and protect many more lives.
How our technology changes everything
Our latest Prakti Air technology, which modifies families’ existing cookstoves:
Reduces smoke inhaled by up to 90%
Requires up to 60% less fuel
To-date, Prakti technology has already:
Saved 460,000 trees from being cut down
Prevented 180,000 tons of CO2 being released into the atmosphere.
Prakti allows the world’s poor to live dramatically cleaner and healthier lives.
Prakti Air allows families to keep their traditional cookstoves, passed down through generations. Now they can preserve their beautiful culture, the food they eat, the fuels they use and their loved ways of cooking. User adoption is significantly higher as a result.
Prakti is the first stove company to manufacture stoves in-house. Having complete control of our manufacturing facilities is a unique advantage to control costs, customize designs and maximize stove heating efficiencies.
How Will Your Donation Make a Difference?
By donating to Prakti today, you aren’t just helping one family modify their traditional stove. You are enabling us to scale our impact together.
Here is how your donation will create real impact:
$ 1000 - Will help launch Prakti Air in a new city/village. This allows us to enter new regions in the world and scale our impact to hundreds of thousands of people, educating local people on how to modify their existing cooking traditions.
$500 - Will help train a local artisan to build a local stove design that is compatible with the Prakti Air. This artisan can make/modify up to 1,000 stoves in a year, impacting more than 5,000 people and stimulating the local economy.
$100 - Will fund a visit to India to check up to ten families to ensure proper use of their Prakti Air device and gain valuable feedback to improve future Prakti versions.
$25 - Will allow 25 families access to getting their very own Prakti Air units to modify their existing cookstoves, benefiting their families’ health and the local ecosystem too.
For more details, see FAQ ”How my donation would be spent?”
Frequently Asked Questions From Our Valued Donors
The traditional donation model is that donated funds sponsor a free product for the poor. This model has a good intention but has repeatedly proven highly inefficient.
First, there will never be enough donations to cover the needs of the billions of people who need a solution.
Second, when given things for free, there is no pressure/need to make sure that the product works well.
We offer a much more efficient model: where your donation is used to invest into making stove available to the billions at a price they can afford.
Our products, if sold to industrialized markets, would fetch $150. But we want to make it available for $25 to people who need it. We can only do that by investing in cost production, in a lean and efficient distribution, installation, and training of users. And this is where we need your donation.
Our goal is to have stoves installed in 10,000 families/households every month! In two years, this will be a total of 250,000 families for $25 each. For this to be possible, we need to raise $250,000. This results in every $1 you donate, you will be able to impact one family. This strategy is 25x better than donating one stove free.
For the next two years, 90% of all donations will go directly to launching and distributing our new, industry-shifting product, the Prakti Air. The other 10% goes to maintaining our current stove programs and bank fees. To launch Prakti Air at an impactful scale, we plan to hire eight more full-time employees.
Our advisory board ensures that we are held accountable for all the decisions we make. Our advisory board comprises ten people with diverse and impressive backgrounds.
This advisory board had first-hand access to our operations, finances, and impact details. By agreeing to be on our advisory board, the members dare vouch for us to deliver on our commitment to impact.
Having made a donation, you will receive regular updates showing the life-changing difference you're making in people’s lives. These updates will include actual feedback from the locals about their experience using Prakti and its impact on their everyday life, Prakti expansion to the new remote areas in the developing countries, and further technical improvement we were able to achieve with your funding.
Financial accountability for how we spend our donations is essential for us. You can find a detailed breakdown of the funds spent out what we've achieved with supporters' donations in our impact report available on request.
Prakti clean and efficient cookstoves is a program of DEW (Design and Education for the World Labs), a tax-exempt non-profit organization registered in the US.
Here is more information:
Non-Profit Name: Design and Education for the World Labs
Address: 4400 Harbord Drive
Oakland, CA, 94618, USA
EIN: 45-5228729
This information will also be sent on your receipt when you donate!
Creating Prakti, we thought about people living in the most remote and poor areas of developing countries.
In these conditions, people have no other option but to use wood as it is the cheapest and most reliable fuel source.
Prakti Air cooking stove is a solution for clean and almost smokeless cooking that is ready to use now, compatible with people's lifestyles, and does not require extra resources people don't have.
Cooking on wood-burning challahs is a well-loved cultural tradition. All the pots, pans, and recipes they have and use are made for cooking on a wood-burning Chulah. By asking people to switch, you are in effect asking them to give up their family's traditional recipes
There are other reasons we use wood with Prakti Air:
✔ It reduces wood consumption by 60% compared with a traditional cook stove;
✔ wood is a more renewable resource than LPG;
✔ wood is local and supports the local economy. LPG is imported and depletes both users, the community, as well as governments.
Prakti has been the largest stove supplier for the World Food Program since 2012, and Prakti's expertise has been recognized by development agencies worldwide.
Bill Clinton underlined the tremendous social, and environmental impact Prakti stoves have way back in the 2009 Clinton Global Initiative.
Our cookstoves technology has already helped thousands of lives across 14 countries, including over 200,000 students at schools across Sudan and North & East Darfur, 80,000 students in Haiti, 20,000 families in India and Nepal, and 3000 families in the Democratic Republic of Congo.